Friday, May 15, 2020

The Activity Theory Of Aging - 933 Words

1) The article from The Gerontologist supports the activity theory of aging. This states that as people age, it is very important for them to be engaged in various activities and social roles. As described in the lecture, studies have shown that those who stay involved have less signs of depression and have a lesser decline in mental health. In addition, they are considered more competent than others in their age group by the general population since they are actively participating in society. The research described in the article proved that those who had moderate or high participation in activities such as working, volunteering, and caregiving had a better psychological well-being. It is not necessarily just taking part in these, but the level in which one does so is also crucial. It appears that moderate participation is the best way to a better psychological well-being, as one does not want to be overworked, but should still be involved. I chose to read article C entitled â€Å"Do productive activities reduce inflammation in late life?† from The Gerontologist. It also supports the activity theory of aging, but relates it more to physical health instead of psychological well-being. The study proved that older adults between ages 57 and 85 have less bodily inflammation, which can cause cardiovascular diseases, if they participate in activities like volunteering and caregiving. These findings are very similar to those found in the required reading because they both agree thatShow MoreRelatedActivity Theory of Aging Essay4128 Words   |  17 PagesRUNNING HEAD: ACTIVITY THEORY Activity Theory of Aging Long Island University-C.W. Post Campus Jennifer L. Bifulco Throughout this semester we have come across many psychological and social theories. From Vaillant’s aging well, to Erikson’s life stages, to Leont’ev’s activity theory, there is a lot to learn and to understand. 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